Vs 2015 Community Iso Download

Visual Studio 2015 ISO file free download. Visual Studio 2015 enterprise edition, professional edition, community edition offline installer download for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 for both 32bit and 64bit processor. Single click direct download Visual Studio 2015 ISO offline installer file.

I want to download the ISO file for Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 community edition- offline installer in any other format will work. Guide me please. Thanks in advance.

You may also read Visual Studio 2017 Offline Installer free download

Visual Studio 2015 Introduction:

Brand Overview:

Visual Studio is the development environment developed and distributed by Microsoft. It is available for both MacOS and Windows Operating system. It supports both 32bit and 64bit architecture. It is available in more than 15 languages.

Version Introduction:

Visual Studio 2015 is the second latest version of Visual Studio family. It had the codename Dev14 and version number 14.0, released on 20 July 2015. It supports .Net framework ranging from 2.0 to 4.6. It was written in the C++ and C# programming language. It had the three version named as VS 2015 enterprise, VS 2015 professional, VS 2015 community. During the first release, VS 2015 express version also introduced but later on Microsoft had to remove it and revert it to VS 2015 community. Some noticeable feature of Visual Studio 2015 were listed below.

Version Features:

By using custom windows display setting you had an option to adjust its screen display to a large monitor or surface layout. In the large monitor display, user views main windows, toolbox and solution explore while in surface mode user able to see only main windows. Roslyn replaced the default code editor and provide the much better user experience. Light bulb icon in code editor let you fix common coding issues by the suggestion of different choices. Also, share project feature lets you share your common project with other projects, for example, user authentication class. Furthermore, you would easily debug the lambda expression which helps you to dry run algorithm or code. It allows you to sign-in using multiple accounts. After login, your account is shared across all services of the visual studio also, your setting is auto applied to all services of visual studio.

User easily creates the cross plate form mobile application in C# Xamarin framework. Xamarin generates native code of IOS and Android by using their API’s. By using the Cordova feature, user also create mobile apps using simple HTML, CSS and javascript. It analyzes your code and auto-generate test case scenario which comes in handy in unit testing. Also, It had a builtin android emulator which fully support a camera and multitouch display. Due to the alot of improvement in it, user can easily make communicate between his application and Microsoft services. Default services are azure, Office 365 and Salesforce. Code map help user to visualize your code and find if there are any dependencies required, also let you filter external dependencies.

Visual Studio 2015 Summary:

Vs 2015 community iso download windows 10
  • Custom windows layout let you choose your development layout from large monitor display or surface display.
  • Roslyn code editor enhanced the coding experience also, light bulb fixe your common coding errors with a single click.
  • User can share common code with all its project by creating a project with shared type.
  • Cross-platform IOS and Android mobile application developed using C# Xamarin framework which generates native code.
  • Also, Visual Studio 2015 help us to develop cross-platform games using Unity 3D.
  • It auto analyze user code, after that it create unit test cases, run that test and then output results.

Visual Studio 2015 Technical details:

File Namevs2015_enterprise_enu.iso, vs2015_professional_enu.iso, vs2015_community_enu.iso
Size750 MB, 650 MB
Architecture32bit (x86)/ 64bit (x64)
Article added on30 Nov 2017
LicenseTrial version

Visual Studio 2015 System Requirements:

Operating SystemWindows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
RAM2 GB or higher
Hard Disk Space10 GB of free space required
Processor2 GHz or later recommended

Visual Studio 2015 Free Download:

ISO file of Visual Studio 2015 free download. An Offline Installer setup of Visual Studio 2015 enterprise, professional, community download for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 for both 32bit and 64bit processor.

Vs 2015 Community Iso Download Free

Enterprise (7.22 GB)

Professional (7.19 GB)

Community (7.09 GB)

Rate this Software

After digging around for Visual Studio IDE 2015 update 3 offline installer, aka ISO file, I found it and I am sharing the url.

And, I know this may be posted elsewhere. But I also do know that many people try to find it on StackOverflow.

Marco AlvesMarco Alves

closed as unclear what you're asking by Martijn PietersJan 20 '18 at 14:52

Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight exactly what you need. As it's currently written, it’s hard to tell exactly what you're asking. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.


5 Answers


As per March 7, 2017, Visual Studio 2017was released for general availability.

You can refer to Mehdi Dehghanianswer for the direct download linksor the old-fashioned ways using the website, vibs2006answer
And you can also combine it with ray pixaranswer to make it a complete full standalone offline installer.

I don't condone any illegal use of the offline installer.
Please stop piracy and follow the EULA.

The community edition is free even for commercial use, under some condition.
You can see the EULA in this link below.
Thank you.

Instruction for official offline installer:

  1. Open this link

  2. Scroll Down (DO NOT FORGET!)

  3. Click on 'Visual Studio 2015' panel heading
  4. Choose the edition that you want

    These menu should be available in that panel:

    • Community 2015
    • Enterprise 2015
    • Professional 2015
    • Enterprise 2015
    • Visual Studio 2015 Update
    • Visual Studio 2015 Language Pack
    • Visual Studio Test Professional 2015 Language Pack
    • Test Professional 2015
    • Express 2015 for Desktop
    • Express 2015 for Windows 10

  1. Choose the language that you want in the drop-down menu (above the Download button)

    The language drop-down menu should be like this:

    • English for English
    • Deutsch for German
    • Español for Spanish
    • Français for French
    • Italiano for Italian
    • Русский for Russian
    • 日本語 for Japanese
    • 简体中文 for Chinese (Simplified)
    • 繁體中文 for Chinese (Traditional)
    • 한국어 for Korean

  1. Check on 'ISO' in radio-button menu (on the left side of the Download button)

    The radio-button menu should be like this:

    • Web installer
    • ISO
  2. Click the Download button


You can check Visual Studio Downloads for available Visual Studio Community, Visual Studio Professional, Visual Studio Enterprise and Visual Studio Code download links.


There is no direct links of Visual Studio 2015 at Visual Studio Downloads anymore. but the below links still works.

OR simply click on direct links below (for .iso/.exe file):

VSCode area:

  • Windows
  • Linux (.deb)
  • Linux (.rpm)
Mehdi DehghaniMehdi Dehghani

The ISO file that suggested in the accepted answer is still not complete. The very complete offline installer is about 24GB! There is only one way to get it. follow these steps:

  1. Download Web Installer from Microsoft Web Site
  2. Execute the Installer. NOTE: the installer is still a simpledownloader for the real web-installer.
  3. After running the real web installer, Run Windows Task manager andfind the real web installer path that is stored in your tempfolder
  4. copy the real installer somewhere else. like C:VS Community
  5. Open Command Prompt and execute the installer that you copied to C:VSCommunity with this argument: /Layout .
  6. Now installer will download the FULL offline installer to your selectedfolder!

Good Luck


So, you may download it from:

And I got this from:http://blogs.bukutamudigital.com/2016/06/28/visual-studio-2015-update-3-offline-installer/

It's around 6GB

Marco AlvesMarco Alves

Visual Studio 2015 Community Iso Download Update 3

Its better to go through the Recommended Microsoft's Way to download Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 ISO (Community Edition).

The instructions below will help you to download any version of Visual Studio or even SQL Server etc provided by Microsoft in an easy to remember way. Though I recommend people using VS 2017 as there are not much big differences between 2015 and 2017.

Please follow the steps as mentioned below.

  1. Visit the standard URL www.visualstudio.com/downloads

  2. Scroll down and click on encircled below as shown in snapshot down

  3. After that join Visual Studio Web Dev essentials for Free as shown below. Try loggin in with your microsoft account and see that if it works otherwise click on Join

  4. Click on Downloads ICON on the encircled as shown below.

  5. Now Type Visual Studio Community in the Search Box as shown below in the snapshot .
  6. From the drowdown select the DVD type and start downloading

Vs 2015 Community Iso Download Torrent

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