New Gmail Phishing Page Download

With a little know-how, most phishing scams are pretty easy to detect. This one, on the other hand, is devilishly clever and just might dupe you if you’re not careful.

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The way this phish scam works is simple. Wordfence, who brought light to the scam, says the attacker creates an email address to disguise themselves as someone you know. Then they send you an email with an attachment, like a PDF or Word doc, that looks legitimate. When you click the attachment to see a preview of it, you get redirected to a Google sign-in page where you enter your credentials.


Gmail phisher is a phisher (a fake login page) for hacking Gmail accounts. Just send it to anyone and ask him to enter his login credentials. Once he enters his login details, a text file containing passwords of the user is generated automatically. Download here. Gmail users are being warned of a phishing scam that tricks them into giving up their Google login details, before sifting through their sent messages folder for new victims to pass the email on to.

Here’s the trick: those attachments aren’t attachments—they’re embedded images designed to look like attachments that link out to a fake Google sign-in page. You can see an example of how real they look in Tom Scott’s tweet below.

What’s worse is everything about the fake Google sign-in page looks normal. The logo, text boxes, and tagline are all there. The only difference is in the address bar, where careful eyes will see that the page is actually a data URI with the prefix “data:text/htyml”, not a URL with the standard “https://”. But if you don’t spot it, the attackers get your information and use it to send out more of the same phish emails to your contacts.

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Gmail phishing page download 2018

Gmail Phishing Page Download 2018

Google has since updated Chrome to 56.0.2924, which makes it easier to spot fake forms like these, but it doesn’t exactly stop this type of scam dead in its tracks. And whether you use Chrome or not, it’s important to stay vigilant and keep your eyes peeled when checking email.

How to Boost Your Phishing Detection Skills and Avoid Email Scams

Phishing scams—the ones that try to get you to provide private information by masquerading as a…

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Security researchers have discovered a new phishing campaign targeting Gmail users, which is so convincing and highly effective that even tech-savvy people can be tricked into giving away their Google credentials to hackers.
The attackers first compromise a victim's Gmail account, and once they are in, they start rifling through inboxes to launch secondary attacks in order to pass on the attack.
The hackers first look for an attachment that victims have previously sent to their contacts and a relevant subject from an actual sent email. Then the criminals will start gathering up contact email addresses, who become the new targets of the attackers.
After finding one, the hackers create an image (screenshot) of that attachment and include it in reply to the sender with the same or similar subject for the email, invoking recognition and automatic trust.

What makes this attack so effective is that the phishing emails come from someone the victim knows.
This new Gmail phishing attack uses image attachments that masquerade as a PDF file with a thumbnailed version of the attachment. Once clicked, victims are redirected to phishing pages, which disguise as the Google sign-in page. But it's a TRAP!
The URL of the fake Gmail login page contains the subdomain, which is enough to fool the majority of people into believing that they are on a legitimate Google page.
Also, since the browser does not show the red warning icon usually used by Google to point out insecure pages, users fall for the Gmail hacking scheme.
Here's what WordFence CEO Mark Maunder who reported the attacks writes in a blog post:

'This phishing technique uses something called a ‘data URI’ to include a complete file in the browser location bar. When you glance up at the browser location bar and see ‘data:text/html….’ that is actually a very long string of text.'

'In this [attack] the ‘data:text/html’ and the trusted hostname are the same color. That suggests to our perception that they’re related and the ‘data:text/html’ part either doesn’t matter or can be trusted.'

Victims fall for the scam because of a clever trick employed by this attack, and they submit their credentials, which get delivered directly to the attackers. And as soon as the attackers get their credential, they log into the victim's Gmail account.
Protecting against this attack is very simple. Gmail users just need to enable two-factor authentication, and, of course, always be careful while opening any attachment in your email.
So even if the attackers have access to your credential, they’ll not be able to proceed further without your phone or a USB cryptographic key in order to access your account.

Gmail Phishing Download

New Gmail Phishing Page Download Software

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