Exchange 2013 Management Tools Download

Download Exchange 2013 Preview. Management Console (EMC), the GUI management tool introduced in Exchange Server.

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Exchange 2013 Management Tools Download

I have it on my Win10 system. I remember I had a problem with it on the upgrade from CU10 tools to CU11 Tools.

Exchange 2013 Management Tools Download Windows 10


I went into the registry and in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18Products and looked for exchange. There was 1 entry for exchange with a msiexec uninstall command line. So I ran it and that removed the reg entries and product information for what was left.

I then installed it using the GUI - not the command line, and it installed fine.

Did you try using the GUI method, not the cmdline switch method?

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