Download Game Runes Of Magic

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Runes Of Magic Wiki

Runes of Magic is a fantasy MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), in which words can create, but also destroy. Here you can explore and discover a magical world full of wonders and ancient riddles. Encounter arcane and dangerous creatures and solve the mystery of a long-perished kingdom. You have access to a dual class system which gives you the freedom to combine your main and secondary class, in order to build your character the way you want conceive it. Learn professions and special skills, to forge mighty armor and weaponry or to enhance them. Accumulate unique in-Game collector's cards, which provide you with information and data of all creatures you have already encountered. Relax after a hard day of labor in your own house, which you can arrange just the way you want to. On your long journey from a helpless novice to a proud hero you will always be accompanied by magical runes and potent oracles - fragments of the divine book Taborea. Use them wisely for they might also lure you on to destruction. Master their handling and do not repeat past mistakes. Legend has it, that he, who embraces the oracle and acquires its might, will garner absolute power over the future. It is now up to you, to write the history of the world! Choose from a flexible class system with six main classes and 36 combinations. In addition you have access to a dynamic item and rune system, as well as three gathering and eight crafting professions. Obtain your own house, which you can proudly show your friends and others. Fight against powerful monsters and obtain magnificent treasures and glorious titles. Be astonished by regular updates


In Runes of Magic players explore and discover a magical realm full of wonders and ancient riddles. On their way from simple novice to famous hero, they will always be accompanied by magical runes and potent oracles which are fragments of the divine book Taborea. In Runes of Magic players should use the rune stone wisely, for they might also lure them to a path of destruction. But legend has it, that he, who embraces the oracle and acquires its might, will gain absolute power over the future. It is now up to the player, to write on the history of the world.

To do that, players have access to a dual class system which allows them to freely combine their main and secondary classes, in order to freely build a character the way they want. On their way through Taborea, they learn professions and special skills to forge mighty armor and weaponry or to enhance them. After a hard day of labor players can relax in their own homes, which they can arrange any way they want. In addition they have access to a dynamic item and rune system, as well as three gathering and eight crafting professions. Dangerous dungeons, raids and an extensive PVP system challenge PC heros in the long run.

Even at the beginning Runes of Magic conveys its absorbing story in over 600 quests embedded in an atmospheric world. Players can choose from six main classes. Combined with a secondary class they dispose of 36 individual character classes over all. All characters possess unique skills with impressive combo attacks and can use mounts in the later stages of game play. A particularly attractive feature for guilds and even players is the possibility to arrange their own virtual homes with individual furnishing. Thanks to an extensive crafting and reputation system, thrilling PVP as well as demanding dungeons and boss-monsters no wishes remain unsatisfied. The Taiwanese developer Runewaker has developed Runes of Magic within a time frame of three years according to western MMO standards. The studio will provide new challenges for players every three to four months with free add-ons and updates.

OnRPG offers the slim download version for Runes of Magic (3.7 GB). If you are looking for the high detail experience, you can download the full uncompressed client (7,5 GB) from the official website:

Download Game Runes Of Magic

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