Book Folding Patterns Free Download


Book folding patterns, craft supplies, hand crafted gifts, book art, folded books, patterns, cut and fold, mark and measure. Subscribe for Updates Name. Book Folding Patterns and More. Cut & Fold Additional Notes. Cut & Fold Instructions MMCF. Beginners Guide to Book Folding.

Etsy Book Folding Patterns Free

In various places, I saw those beautiful folded book art pieces (like in these instructables: Book-Art-How-to-Fold-a-Book-into-a-Word, Folded-Book-Art-Best-most-clear-Tutorial-available ) - and as I am an avid reader and love books, paper and art, this was a wonderfully alluring combination!
So, I absolutely wanted to make my own! And of course I also wanted to use my own pattern, not just anything!
Looking into one of the instructables (How-to-Fold-a-Book-into-a-Word-The-original-tuto ), which describes the process of making your own pattern, I saw that the measuring and mapping from picture to page is a really tedious, time-consuming process, which can also go wrong in many places. And I realized that the number of free ready-to-fold patterns is a bit, .... mmmh, limited - you don't always want hearts...unless it's Valentine's day, of course.
As I'm also learning how to program, and am a fan of open source software, I thought I could combine this with the books to create something useful.
So I wrote a program which can turn your picture into a pattern for making book folding art.
This instructable is not about how to write that program, nor will I explain in detail how it works.
This instructable shows you how to use the program to make your own book art with your own pattern.
WARNING: The program was only tested on Linux. I do not know, nor can I test, if it also runs on a Windows or Mac OS operating system. If you find out if / how it works on those other, non-open source operating systems, please provide a hint in the comments for other users!
Update: Instructables user flogy4031 and I got it to work on Windows 7. flogy installed WAMP (from, a server environment for Windows, which did some of the configuration of php for him, and imagemagick. Then flogy still had to do some configuration to make the command line work (see linked videos in the comment section). I have now added a Windows version of the script to the github repository, which eliminates a problem caused by different behaviour of the Windows command line.
Thank you very much, flogy4031!
Update 2: As the configuration of php and imagemagick seems quite difficult on Windows for the non-geeks, I added the option to use a virtual machine (which is a little computer inside you computer, if you will). I think this is much easier for the Windows users, and it will also work on Mac OS/X. However, the download size is bigger. Go straight to option 2, if you prefer this!

Update 3: As still many people had problems with understanding how to setup and use a virtual machine, and how to access their picture files on their real computer from there, and how to edit pictures to not contain transparencies, I decided to make a new version of the script, which should be a lot easier to use. This new version is now a python script, it requires installation of Python 2.7 and it also requires the installation of PILLOW. Install instructions for Python for Windows can be found here (also install pip!), then install PILLOW, as described here.

You can get the Python version of BookArtGeneratorhere. For usage, follow the instructions in the readme file. For understanding how to select a good image and book, what to do with the files the program creates and how to fold, jump to steps 3, 4 and 6 to 9, and for the rest, follow the instructions on your monitor.

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Update 4: The python version also seemed to pose an insurmountable problem for many, as installing python, and pillow and pip requires to use the command line, which many people are unfamiliar with or even afraid of (don't fear! It's really not so bad!). After learning a little PHP, and after that, Python, I've started to learn Javascript.

The result of this can be foundin this really easy online version of the bookart generator(with added features, too!). So if you don't need an offline version, just visit my new website and use the online version. Tested with Firefox. If you've got any problems with other browsers (not with IE, I really don't care about that!), please report via a comment to the linked article on the website.

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Enjoy! (and note the program licence if you decide to make derivative software).

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