Barracuda Outlook Add In Download

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Download Barracuda Outlook Add In

This installation walk-through is meant to be used from start to finish. If you skip around you will have problems with the later steps.

This walk-through was tested on a Barracuda Spam & Virus 300 appliance with a Windows 2008r2 Domain and the 6.0.53 version of the Barracuda Outlook plugin.

Barracuda Essentials for Email Security users can easily send encrypted emails with a touch of a button using the Outlook Add-In without relying on policy-based encryption. Additionally, users can quickly set spam preferences and submit email to Barracuda as spam.

*** NOTE: I just read that this is NOT supported on any models below the Spam & Virus Firewall 300.

Barracuda Outlook Add In Download

7 Steps total

Step 1: Add LDAP Server access to your spam filter

- Login to your spam filter's management portal
- Click the 'Domains' tab at the top
- Under the 'Domain Manager' section, click the 'Manage Domain' link for the domain you want to edit.
- Click the 'Users' tab at the top
- Click the 'LDAP Configuration' button under the 'Users' tab

Fill out the following fields:
- Exchange Accelerator/LDAP Verification: Yes
- LDAP Server: [enter the IP address of your Domain Controller here]
- LDAP Port: 389
- Unify Email Aliases: Yes
- SSL/TLS Mode: Off
- Require SSL/TLS: No
- LDAP Server Type: Active Directory (if you are running a Windows Domain)
- Bind DN (Username): [enter the email address of a user with read access to info about valid users]
- Bind Password: [enter the password of the account that was entered in the last field]
- Canary Email: [blank]
- Valid Email (for testing): [enter a valid email address]

Advanced Settings:
- LDAP Search Base: [the search base for would be 'dc=location,dc=company,dc=local']
- Blank LDAP Search Base: No
- LDAP Filter: (|(proxyaddresses=smtp$${recipient_email})(proxyaddresses=smtp:${recipient_email})(mail=${recipient_email})(userPrincipalName=${recipient_email}))
- LDAP UID: sAMAccountName
- LDAP Primary Email Attribute: mail

Make sure you use the 'Test LDAP' button when you are finished to verify connectivity, then save your settings.

Step 2: Set default user features

- Click the 'User Features' button under the 'Users' tab
- Under the 'Default User Features' section enable all settings then save your changes.

Step 3: Enable SMTP headers from Barracuda

- Log out and log back into to your Barracuda Spam Filter to make sure you are editing the entire system again.
- Click the 'Advanced' tab.
- In the 'SMTP Configuration' section verify that 'Remove Barracuda Headers' is set to No
- Save your changes

Barracuda archiver outlook add-in download

Step 4: Deploy the plugin via Group Policy

- Click the 'User' tab and then click the 'User Features' button
- In the 'Mail Client Plugins' section click the 'Download Now' button to download the Deployment Kit

- Save the file and extract it
- copy the two installer files to a shared folder on your network that client computers have access to.
- copy the .adm file to C:WindowsInf on the server you will use to edit Group Policy

- Login to the server that manages group policy (usually a Domain Controller)
- Click the Start Menu and type 'mmc.exe' in the typing field, then hit the Enter key
- In the new window that opened up click the 'File' pull-down menu and select 'Add/Remove Snap-in...'
- On the left hand scroll-menu find 'Group Policy Management' and click the 'Add >' button in the middle of the window
- Click the 'OK' button
- Expand the '+' icon next to Group Policy Management in the navigation pane.
- Expand your forest
- Expand 'Domains'
- Right-click your domain and select 'Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here...'
- Give the new Group Policy Object a name (like 'Barracuda Spam Filter Plugin')
- Right-click the new GPO you just created and select 'Edit...'

- Browse to: User Configuration --> Policies
- Right-click 'Administrative Templates' and select 'Add/Remove Templates...'
- On the new window click the 'Add' button
- Scroll down and select the .adm file you copied there earlier
- Click the 'Close' button
- Expand the 'Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)' folder
- Expand 'Barracuda' and then 'Spam & Virus Firewall'
- Highlight 'Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall Outlook Add-In 6.0'
- On the right hand pane you can configure options for the plugin
--- I enabled 'Hide Toolbar Elements' and checked 'Hide Encryption Buttons'
--- I left everything else as defaults
- Browse to: Computer Configuration --> Policies --> Software Settings --> Software Installation
- Right-click the 'Software installation' icon and select 'New' then 'Package...'
- Browse to the UNC path of where you extracted the .msi files to and select the one to match your MS Outlook installation (32 or 64 bit)
- Double-click the software package that appears on the right-hand pane
- Click the 'Deployement' tab and check the check-box next to 'Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management'
- Click the 'OK button at the bottom of the window
- Click the X at the upper right corner to close the GPO (no need to save it)
- Click X at the upper right corner of the Group Policy Management console

* Now the plugin should get deployed to all computers in your domain after they get a Group Policy update (2-3 hours) and then reboot.

* Optionally you could run 'gpupdate /force' from the command prompt to force an immediate Group Policy update. Then reboot to get the software installed.

Step 5: Test to see if the software is working

- Open Microsoft Outlook 2010
- Click the 'File' tab at the top of the screen
- Click the 'Barracuda Networks' button on the left-hand navigation pane
- Click the 'Configure' button on the right-hand pane
- If the URI Field is populated then everything should be working. If it isnt populated click the 'Repair' button to send a configuration email to the email address you are logged on to. (For the config email to operate correctly it needs to be accepted into the inbox directly - not any sub-folders)


Step 6: [purposly left blank]

Step 7: Spice-Up this article to help other find it easier!

- In the upper right area near the title, click the up arrow over the chili pepper if this article helped you.

Now users will get the 'Mark as Spam' and 'Mark as Not Spam' buttons on the ribbon in Outlook. Your Spam Filter should add user accounts automatically as users take advantage of these new features. As a user gets created they will be sent an email from the Spam Filter notifying them of their username and password that they can use to login and check quarantined items and manually edit the whitelist and blacklist.

Published: Mar 12, 2014 ยท Last Updated: Oct 03, 2014

Barracuda Outlook Add In Download Free


  • Barracuda's Deployement Guide

Barracuda Message Archiver Add In

1 Comment

  • Serrano
    TheBasta Oct 20, 2014 at 09:01pm

    I was updating my BSF Add-In and for some reason when I would install it I kept getting the Validation generated email about once every 15 minutes. I contacted Barracuda about it and went back and forth with them. When waiting on my latest response from them I did some poking around in the configuration and noticed that the URI was blank in my configuration. Doing some searching around I came across this How-To and noticed your mention of the possibility of a blank URI and what to do. I did in fact have an Outlook rule in place to send all messages from anything at any sub-domain of to a sub-folder I created. So, when I shut the Outlook rule off and went back into the Add-In configuration and hit 'Repair' everything popped. The Validation emails stopped and my URI became populated.

    Thanks so much for this How-To.

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